Trying to get rid of surfing, wasted too much time, any suggestion?.......................... 七宗罪?............................... 1,没有原则的政治;2,不劳而获的财富;3,没有理智的享乐;4,没有特点的知识;5,没有道德的商业;6,没有人文关怀的科学;7,没有牺牲的崇拜。............................................. 虽然这是圣雄甘地说老印的.......

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Sad and Angry

One of the most-discussed news stories on China's internet currently is related to the brutal murder on a bus of the Beijing's notorious public transportation.
A 14 year old girl was choked to death on the bus by a ticket seller from the Beijing public transportation system simply because the 14-year-old cursed her for her bad attitude. The whole incident was witnessed by girl’s 70 years old father and 50 years old mother, who both work for Tsinghua University. The rude service of Beijing public transportation is notorious. Instead of a rude service, it actually should be called a brutal service because the girl is not the first one who was murdered by the servicemen from Beijing public transportation system in the last five years. After the incident, it is even stranger to see the most of state owned local newspapers do not want to cover it. One commentator on Sina disclosed the reason. The head of Beijing public transportation system pressed the local news media very hard for not covering this incident. Fortunately, the “xin1 jing1 bao4 (NEW BEIJING NEWSPAPER)”, a new local newspaper invested by a big southern news media corporation resisted the pressure and finally reported the incident successfully. It is sad to know that the local newspaper couldn’t be able to resist the pressure from a corporation like Beijing public transportation system. Apparently the head of the system has a very strong backup from the local government officials. The head and some government officials could lose their job for the coverage of this incident.
The detailed story can be found on Sina. and Sina forum



2005.10.16  中國時報





坐實共黨叛亂 發動排華運動




血流紅碗事件 華人慘遭屠殺




清共長達五年 諸罪名莫須有




瓦希德上台後 才敢要求平反



Friday, October 14, 2005

Proud of being a centrist

You are a

Social Moderate
(50% permissive)

and an...

Economic Liberal
(38% permissive)

You are best described as a:


Link: The Politics Test on Ok Cupid
Also: The OkCupid Dating Persona Test


Thursday, October 13, 2005

The Economist :China in space

Per obscura ad astra
Oct 13th 2005 | BEIJING
From print edition

China's secretive space programme alarms Japan

FOR the launch of its second manned rocket, China opened the doors of its secretive space programme—a crack. Unlike the first such lift-off two years ago, the event was broadcast live. As the Shenzhou 6 and its two-man crew were propelled into a cold grey sky, the authorities' fears of an embarrassing failure in front of millions melted away.

But China is not yet ready to bare all. Only state-run television and radio were allowed to conduct the coverage. No foreign media were allowed anywhere near the launch site in Gansu province, about 900 miles (1,500 kilometres) west of Beijing, in the Gobi Desert. The date of the launch (October 12th) was announced only the day before; the time, just minutes in advance. What little had leaked out previously came mainly from small provincial newspapers.

State television did not even mention the possibility of a launch until the date was confirmed. The intended length of the mission has still not been officially announced. The government notified foreign journalists that if they had any questions about the mission, they should submit them by fax.

This venture, however, is clearly a more adventurous step for China than the launch of Shenzhou 5, which carried only one man into orbit for 21 hours. The latest mission is rumoured to be scheduled to last for nearly five days and involve 80 earth orbits. Astronauts Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng (both fighter pilots) have moved from their seats to conduct experiments in a separate orbital unit that will remain in space after they return in the re-entry module.

It is also becoming clear that China has plans to become a space power. Yang Liwei, China's first astronaut, has said that Shenzhou 7 is scheduled for launch in 2007 and will involve a space walk. The next mission will practise docking. Next year China is likely to launch a probe that will orbit the moon (a feat achieved only by Russia, America and Japan). It hopes to put an unmanned rover on the moon by 2012 and retrieve lunar samples robotically by 2020. Some reports talk of a human moon landing by then.

The speed with which China has developed manned space flight has surprised and alarmed Japanese policymakers. Shame was added to the mix when just a month after China's first manned flight, in October 2003, a Japanese rocket carrying two spy satellites had to be blown up, ignominiously, ten minutes after the launch when a booster failed to disengage. Further satellite launches were restarted only last spring.

For years Japan's space programme has dwindled, a consequence of budget cuts and of Japan's constitutional inability to develop anything that might have military applications. Japan now spends just $1.8 billion a year on its space programme, a fall of one-third from the peak: still more than China says it spends, but a fraction of NASA's annual budget.

China's progress in space has strengthened the hand of Japan's space lobby. In March, the Japanese space agency, JAXA, under a new head, Keiji Tachikawa (who previously ran NTT DoCoMo, the country's mobile-phone giant), laid out its new vision for the next 20 years. JAXA wants a manned space programme, with a space station on the moon. Some Japanese policymakers argue that space is an area where much needed co-operation could actually take place between Japan and China. But there is precious little sign of that yet.


张五常:中国经济是亮了红灯吗? 10/13/2005

这些日子我对中国的经济发展坐立不安。一方面,五千年第一次打进国际经济,踢世界波,踢得似模似样,鬼子佬无不啧啧称奇,作为炎黄子孙我当然高兴,也有点骄傲。事实上,不需要是炎黄子孙,我的美国朋友一般为中国拍掌。支持历史上的underdog乃人之常情也。 另一方面,中国的经济发展到了今天的形势,加上树大招风,行差踏错可以败走麦城。最头痛是国际竞争激烈,靠接单的厂家一般认为,如果在国际上自己成本上升百分之五,加上汇率的变动使出口价上升百分之五,关门大吉可期也。

几天前跟一位在广东接单的厂家朋友论经济,谈到印度。他说一位印度商人订货,亲自跑到神州来逐件检验,很苛求,害得他几晚没睡觉。他说几年前印度产出的类同产品质量较低,价格也较高,接单容易。但今天印度的类同产品质量一样,价格相同,印度商人还跑到中国来订购,主要是因为印度的工厂比中国的小很多,大量订购印度应付不了。印度厂小显然因为资金不足,但假以时日,资金问题得到解决,再来中国订货就不划算了。 去年末季印度的国民收入增长率比中国的高,今年首三季落后中国一两个百分点。可能像中国十多年前那样,印度的国民收入增长率是低估了。两星期前侯夫子告诉我,他读到一篇鬼子佬写的文章,说印度目前的发展形势胜于中国。

说过了,我衷心希望印度的经济搞起来,就是搞得比中国富裕我也高兴。我深信不疑的比较优势定律说,大家自由专业产出,互相贸易取利,不会有输家,而历史的经验也这样说。问题是,如果有国际政治压力的左右,或自己作出一些蠢政策,比较优势有了转移,输得兵败山倒是可能的。 是的,这些日子外国人把中国的经济发展捧到天上去,北京的领导者可能有点飘飘然。不是批评,因为炎黄子孙一般地飘飘然。骄傲不打紧,也应该,问题是自满,以为自己了不起,有资格轻浮也乱来一下。这是错,错、错、错。 是的,这些日子我觉得北京或上海等大地区的政府有点自满,有点轻浮。说什么经济过热,要宏观调控,你调人家不调,你大言不惭人家拼命跑上去,斗输不打紧,但调控左右了市场的运作,可以入肉伤身。说什么楼价过高,或上升得太快,处理的办法竟然不是增加楼宇的土地供应,而是推出种种左右市场的法例。你这样做,人家不这样做,头痛头痛。 什么最低工资,社会福利,发展得有看头的经济往往如此这般地过瘾一下。这些小动作通常会变大,而大了对经济有大损,是那些所谓先进国家的经验。

德国叫救命的例子有说服力。今天的形势史无前例,廉价劳力多得很的国家多得很,一起参与国际大比并,而中国还有数亿农民人口要转到工业去,北京要眼观六路,果断处理,切忌轻浮。告诉你吧,今天广东的民工短缺(一项估计是缺二百万),可不是因为民工北上,而是因为在国际竞争下,广东的厂家不容易以增加工资的方法来解决民工荒的困难。 是的,我认为两个多月前中国央行提升人民币值百分之二强是轻浮之举。人家赞几句,施点压力,北京的坚持于是失守。纵观天下大势,我曾经大声疾呼不可,蒙代尔也大声反对,史丹福的一位大教授反对得更厉害。大家都记得历史,也懂得判断国际的竞争形势。 中国经济是亮了红灯吗?朋友,你自己想想吧。


张五常:中国是个怪地方——覆李怡 10/04/2005












张五常:悼紫阳 02/2005








中国的经济改革史无前例,今天举世的人天天都在谈中国经济,不能不说是个奇迹。作出贡献的当然不止于邓、赵二老,但将来的历史学者会听我的话,说中国奇迹(The China Miracle)起于这二老的相得益彰。是中国之幸,二者是没有读过多少书的经济体制的实践天才。





Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Please defend me for embracing the art and resisting the porn:)

Simonworld's guestblogger Dan recently posted some Guo Jingchun's photo from her 1999 album "true color". I sincerely agree with his taste on this one, although that's probalby the only good picture that he has ever posted:) In fact Guo's work is the best among what I have ever seen in the same category of albums from Taiwan. Several years after 1999, fortunately we mainland Chinese finally can stand up and say: Hey, we've gotten some good works too.
The girl in the photos below is Tang Jiali, a Bali dancer.


While the fourth round of the East China Sea oil & gas consultation is ahead, Chinese media are asking the government to adopt the firm position.

The materials below are mainly from a report in Chinese found on on October 12th, 2005. According to Sina, the report was originally published on Chinese industry and commerce Times written by reporter Wen Xue Mei

Sino-Japan East China Sea oil-gas field confliction has led to the tense situation. The third round of consultation was not fruitful. Japan suggested reopening the new consultation on 19th, this month, and raising the consultation to the ministerial level. Although China has not yet responsed, China and Japan are anticipated to reopen the talk before the end of this month. The expert reminds that Japan has changed its strategy from a strong offensive position to a murderous-intention-concealed flexible offensive position in this negotiation. The cooperative development plan suggested by Japan is a hidden sword. In fact, on the East China Sea problem, China proposed a cooperative development plan back in 1960’s. In 2004, China proposed the plan to Japan again in East Asia 10 + 3 energy ministerial conference, the third session of Asia conversational conference as well as many other kinds of situations. But Japan ignored the proposals and requested China to provide the mining data of Chunxiao and other 7 related oil-gas fields. China rejected Japan for obvious reasons. In this May, in the second round of consultation, China once again proposed the plan, Japan again rejected it.

That’s why it is interesting that, in the third turn of consultation, Japan suddenly proposed his own cooperative development plan. This plan suggested both sides should cooperate in the development of East China Sea, however, China has to stop the operation in Chunxiao oil field and send Japan the data of exploration in Chunxiao and so on.

Lv YaoDong, a researcher from Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Japan research institute, considers this as a transition from the strong offensive position to a more flexible offensive position in Japan’s negotiation strategy. However, the Japanese version of cooperative development plan contains an extremely dangerous intention towards China’s interests.

First of all it is the sovereignty issue. China is exploring its own territory and the oil-gas drilling is completely inside its own sovereignty scope. However Japan’s plan takes China’s exclusive economic zone as a stake in the negotiation. Obviously the real intention of Japanese is to force China to accept the middle line theory and hope to make a even bigger breakthrough in sovereignty issue.

Secondly, Japan uses its own cooperative development plan to request China to provide the mining data of Chunxiao and other 7 related oil-gas fields inside China’s EEZ. The mining data contain information about geology and landscape of East China Sea. Relying on these materials, Japan may ask for the sovereignty power of the East China Sea in 2009 at the United Nations. (In May of 1999, the United Nation continental shelf boundary committee formulated the new standard, which regulated the application deadline for various countries attempting to extend their continental shelf is 2009.) As the time approaches this deadline, Japan is doing everything possible to investigate East China Sea. However because China started the process earlier, Japan is eager to obtain these data. But if Japan force to explore this region, it may lead to accidents with Chinese Navy, therefore, the easiest way for Japan to get these data is through the diplomatic method in the disguise of the cooperation banner.

Thirdly, Japan wants to occupy the Chinese Diaoyu Islands forever by forcing China to accept the middle line theory.

China must be in sharp opposition to Japan’s strategy and persist the principle of sovereignty.

Japanese prime minister once advocated to turn East China Sea "a sea of dispute" into "a sea of united efforts". Some Japanese officials also expressed such a wish. But, from a series of actions regarding to the East China Sea, Japan in fact is constructing a trap and China must maintain the vigilance.

Yao Dong suggested that since Japan did not express any sincerity as it proposed and even tried to use China’s own EEZ as a stake in the third round of negotiation, China should also adopt the certain diplomatic strategy in sharp opposition to the development plan that Japan proposed. For example China may request the rights to develop the region extending to LiuQiu trench (Ryukyu trench). It has been reported the oil & gas resources mainly concentrates in the three spots on the continental shelf. One is the middle region of the continental shelf; one is around the Diaoyu Island. The other is in Ryukyu trench. Without the sincerity from Japan, it will not be helpful to consider ministerial level negotiation with Japan in the end of this month.

Japan's land territory is relatively small, but by applying the concept of 200 nautical miles economical exclusive zone, Japan has already become the world 6th largest country by its claim of the sea sovereignty. The method used by Japan to enlarge its territory is nothing but extreme. For instance, as a reef itself, the ChongNiao reef should not have its own EEZ, but Japan utterly used the cement to turn it as a small island, and claim 200 nautical mile EEZ from this cemented reef, which is obviously unjustified.

Facing this kind of expansion strategy, one may expect, China and Japan will have a prolonged fight in East China Sea. What is China's strategy to the conflict? Some expert suggested solving the problems from the easiest to the hardest. Some other expert considered a compromise between the middle line theory and the continental shelf theory. But Yao Dong doesn’t think the problems in those ways. Instead of a technical question or a legal problem, Yao Dong considers it as a political conflict and China must be firm on this problem. China has to realize that Japan's goal is to seize China’s continental shelf. By simply resorting to the existing law to delimit the continental shelf is not fair enough in this particular situation. It is ridiculous to share the continental shelf with Japan because a chain of islands is treated equally as comparison with the massive continent of China.

There are already some proposals from senior diplomats which suggest China thinking the sovereign status of Ryukyu Islands again. Yao Dong agrees that the real status of the Ryukyu Islands may help to completely nullify the middle line theory and will eventually help China to solve the East China Sea conflict from the bottom. We must put our vision to the entire East China Sea, Yao Dong said. Facing the national sovereignty, the top principle is following the principle.

Check the earlier heated debate on this blog for the further information, and more


Monday, October 10, 2005

Beat the shit out the National day on the both side of the Taiwan strait

While the mainland China's local legislator Lu Banglie was not as seriously beaten as Guardian reported in the Taishi incident, it seems that the Taiwanese KMT legislator Zhang Shuowen was maliciously attacked by DPP's legistlator Li Mingxiang in the Parliament of ROC. See picture below.







日本保健部門統計,2050年日本的人口數將由目前的1.28億減少至1億人,不過,HSBC駐東京首席經濟學家彼得摩根(Peter Morgan)卻認為,日本官方估計過於樂觀,他認為在日本女性越來越晚婚的情況下,2050年日本人口有可能降至8600萬。


