Trying to get rid of surfing, wasted too much time, any suggestion?.......................... 七宗罪?............................... 1,没有原则的政治;2,不劳而获的财富;3,没有理智的享乐;4,没有特点的知识;5,没有道德的商业;6,没有人文关怀的科学;7,没有牺牲的崇拜。............................................. 虽然这是圣雄甘地说老印的.......

Friday, October 01, 2004

Just found a interesting blog:)


Wednesday, September 29, 2004


East Asian Careers Resources on the Internet
General Resources Career main page
International companies
International organizations
General resources
Libraries & Museums
Non-profit oganizations
U.S. government
Think tanks
Job search tools
Search engines


America's Job Bank
Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor and state employment service agencies, this includes a nationwide job bank and links to individual state job banks.
Asia Business Network
ABN is a dynamic environment that allows a networker to get their name and products out to thousands of individuals and companies all over the world 24 hours a day. Through ABN businesses can advertise their businesses, products, or services to thousands of readers who are enjoying their pages.
Asian Career Web
Asian Career Web (ACW) was launched in 1995, by International Career Information, Inc. (ICI) to provide English/Asian bilingual job seekers with information about international careers and prospective employers. This site allows both employers and employees to add their openings or resumes to a growing list of resources. Specializes in assisting multinational corporations to recruit bilingual employees for some of the fastest growing economies in Asia.
InterCareer NETWORK (ICN)
InterCareer Net Japan (ICN-J) provides employment information for job seekers who are fluent in English and Japanese, studying or working outside Japan.
Asia-Net Current Job listings
Asia-Net is a clearing house for Japanese, Korean, and Chinese professionals. Established in 1994 as Japan-Net, Asia-Net has been serving Asia/Pacific-Rim business communities by helping professionals locate job opportunities, while providing companies the premier on-line recruitment service.
Asia Online was designed to collect Asia related information. Asia Dragons is currently more like a world wide Search Engine under the name of Asia Online. With over 10 Asian countries' website hosted within Asia Online.
Asia Employment Center
25 countries in Asia are listed here. Many are still under construction.
China Online
China Employment Center
A site to post resumes for jobs in China, or post jobs to recruit people from China.
Hong Kong Online
Hong Kong Employment Center
Japan Online
Japan Employment Center
Japan employment center. Job listing and resume online.

Korea Online
Korea Employment Center
Taiwan Online
Taiwan Employment Center
Employment vacancies within the U.S. are listed alphabetically by state within each group, followed by non-US employment vacancies.
Aspire Asia-Pacific Job Seeker's Database htp://
ASPIRE's Asia-Pacific Job-Seeker's Database was developed to assist corporate recruiters in their search for new talent by providing them with academic and biographical information of U.S.-educated Asia-Pacific students and professionals
Beyond Asia Job Posting
Many Internet links for a total of 20+ countries in Asia.

Butterfield & Company International, Inc.

Recruiting for Asian companies seeking candidates trained in USA for high-technology jobs, especially in medical imaging and computer technologies. Located in Hawaii, midway between US and Asia. Also provide international consulting for business reengineering and long distance telecommunications.
Cal Career Center
List of links to many different jobs, schools, etc.
Job Listing Sites
This site groups all possible job searching sites into categories: searchable databases, by location, international, by field, internships, and metasites.
International Job Listing Sites
For China and Japan, you can click on category By Country

Career China
Career China is career service Web site offering job opening and job wanted advertising for positions in mainland China, Taiwan, Hongkong, Singapore, Japan, and beyond. With registrations at all major search engines and direct links from Chinese Dating Net, China Chat, China Invest, and other related sites, Career China provides very a way for human resource managers and agencies to reach vast amount of focused and qualified job
Career Resource Homepage
The Career Resource Homepage is a database of employment related information on the internet.
CareerMosaic Asia
The first of CareerMosaic's international employment sites, CareerMosaic Asia is a great source for job openings from all over Asia especially in Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Brunei..
CareerMosaic Hong Kong
CareerMosaic Japan
CareerMosaic South Korea

CareerMosaic (Asia) JOBS Database

Enter the CareerMosaic J.O.B.S. Database job database to look for a job. Enter a job description, the company you wish to work for, the location and country in which you wish to work, or other search criterias, and this database will return a list of jobs that are currently open. is a career management site on the web for job seekers and employers so as to suply the greatest number of jobs available.
This site is an easy place for employers and job seekers to find each other, they claimed to have powerful, simple solutions to common job search problems.
China Jobs
Internet Employment and Work Service.
Expat Exchange
An online community started in 1995. Must subscribe to get messages and gain other information.
Expat Forum
HR International is an independent human resources consulting firm focusing exclusively on improving the effectiveness of key employees who relocate around the world. Their mission is to help you succeed in doing business globally.
China-Hong Kong
South Korea

Gemini Personnel
A recruiting firm with three offices, London, Hong Kong, and Kuala Lumpur. A small but growing list of permanent and contract jobs.
Hong Kong Jobs
Hong Kong Jobs is an Internet accessible World Wide Web (WWW) site for jobs seekers. It is dedicated to provide 24 hour easy access to job opening information throughout the territory. Free resume listing service. Entries are listed according to
three categories: Positions, Companies and Agencies which are then further categorized to smaller divisions.
Japan Job Connections
The Japan reference center. Japan Job Connections - a Japan reference center on the web. Find a job, post a classified, teaching tips, learn Japanese and more.
JobAsia IT Careers
Job search for Hong Kong and Asia Pacific. Click-to-clip job clipping, quick-resume and quick-apply for direct-response to recruiters.
Opportunities: View Career; Opportunities in Asia. Register and they'll let you know of new openings; Advertise, Put up a job listing on this web site; Country Info, Learn more about South East Asian countries here; Carrer Advice, monthly feature on how one can improve oneself and take a step further in one's career.
Online Career Center
Overseas Jobs Web

Includes a searchable International Jobs Database to find work abroad on the web; Overseas Jobs Express: A newspaper for international recruitment. Read articles online about working abroad or subscribe to receive over 1,500 overseas job listings by mail every two weeks; Job Search Resources: a guide to more than 700 career, employment, job and recruiter sites in more than 40 countries; Hot Spots contain travellink which has many features that will help to plan overseas job or travel experience.
Overseas Job Express
Each edition of Overseas Jobs Express contains at least 1,500 overseas vacancies. Jobs of all kinds, from dozens of different countries. They publish every two weeks. The paper is airmailed to you. Distribution is fast and worldwide.
Pacific Bridge, Inc.
A recruiting/consulting firm located in Washington, D.C. specializing in recruiting Asians to return to their home countries to work.
Riley Guide (Employment & Job Resources)
To guide you through the many online sites and services that are useful for your job search. No jobs nor resumes are posted here.
Resources for International Opportunities
These sites have job announcements which are located in or focus on countries and regions beyond the United States.
Taiwan Jobs
A site with lots of links to many different sites. Very complete source of information.
TKO Personnel
TKO provides services for international (Asia/Pacific) professionals, managers, and individual contributors for the semi-conductor, software, and communication industries.
Wang & Li Resources
Wang & Li Asia Resources is an international recruitment firm specializing in the placement of bilingual/bicultural Asians, Asian Americans, and similarly profiled professionals with our large multinational clients who are expanding into the burgeoning markets of Greater China.
[Academia] [General Resources] [International Comapny] [International organization][Library/Museum] [Non Profit Org] [U. S. Government] [TESL] [Think Tanks]
[Job Search Tools]

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Compiled by Vickie Doll, East Asian Librarian, East Asian Library
for the University of Kansas
Center for East Asian Studies Career Opportunities In East Asian Studies
Send comments and suggestions to
Last Updated: 04/25/2000 13:41:41



Resources for International Students

Finding Work in America: A meta-collection of Internet resources that have been gathered for the academic job hunter. It includes links to faculty, staff, and administrative announcements and is not restricted to teaching positions.

America's Career InfoNet: Find wages and employment trends, occupational requirements, state by state labor market conditions, millions of employer contacts nationwide, and the most extensive career resource library online.

Asia-Net : The Asia-Net community comprises over 140,000 professionals with unique ties to Asia, i.e., Asian nationals, people of Asian heritage (including first, second, and third generation Asian Americans), and others with professional interests in the Asia/Pacific-Rim.

Association for International Practical Training: A J-1 visa sponsor designated by the U.S. Department of State. AIPT works with the company and trainee to arrange visa sponsorship, required insurance and provide program support for individuals to complete on-the-job-training assignments in the United States. AIPT can also arrange work permits for students and professionals to go from the United States to one of 80 countries, and provide program support before and during the international assignment.

Bio Med Scientist Jobs: One of the leading international recruitment web sites for Life Science and Medical professionals.

BU International Alumni: BU's worldwide network of International Alumni Associations and contacts. Associations are open to all alumni of the University and offer a variety of services and programs. Provides career opportunities for Japanese-English bilingual job seekers. The site currently has over 60,000 registrants with world-class companies utilizing CFN as a place to recruit global minded job seekers. The positions are in the U.S., Canada, U. K., Europe, Japan and other Asian countries.

Center for International Education: At the University of California, Irvine. This page contains links to worldwide internship listings. The site recommendations have gold stars next to them. Offers the largest open access entry level careers Web site for college students and recent grads, with more than 10,000 job postings, 140 resume templates, a searchable employer database (more than 8,000 the entire contents of the best-selling book, College Grad Job Hunter” online and free for all to access. Designed by foreign MBA students to help all non-U.S. citizens in pursuing their goals through an MBA.

H1 Visa Jobs: An online database with an extensive list of companies that hire international students. The jobs you see on are positions that were available in 2003, to individuals requiring H1B Visa sponsorship. This database should help international students with their job search and help establish contacts within these companies. The Career Development Office at the College of Engineering has purchased access to five databases:
- Business Mgmt. and Admin - BUSI-H1B
- Computer Science and Information Technology – CS-H1B
- Education & Research – EDURES-H1B
- Engineering – ENGR-H1B
- Life & Health Sciences – LIFEHLTH-H1B

***NOTE: Please contact the Office of Career Services at (617) 353-3590 for the username and password to these databases.

Upon selecting the link, look for the "Online Databases" link on the left-hand side of the page. Select which database you want from the list above. Enter the username and password provided by the Office of Career Services. Select your region of interest.

H1-B Sponsors: H1-B sponsors for USA IT and Non-IT jobs. A comprehensive source of international jobs for professionals, including international development jobs.

International Student City Career Center: Comprehensive information and knowledge about everything that an international student needs to know about working in the United States. A resource for PhD's considering careers beyond the university.

Science's Next Wave Magazine: A weekly online publication that covers scientific training, career development, and the science job market. The Next Wave is published by SCIENCE magazine and the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

NEW! U.S. Department of Labor - H1-b Disclosure Information: The Department is required to provide a list of those employers who have submitted Labor Condition Applications. This search page allows you to view the H1-b Labor Certification Database. Data is currently available for certifications completed between 10/01/2000 and 9/30/2003.

Finding Work Abroad:

BU International Programs: BU sponsors language, liberal arts, fine arts, science, business, and internship programs abroad. Provides career opportunities for Japanese-English bilingual job seekers. The site currently has over 60,000 registrants with world-class companies utilizing CFN as a place to recruit global minded job seekers. The positions are in the U.S., Canada, U. K., Europe, Japan and other Asian countries. For early career professionals who have up to ten years’ professional experience, together with qualifications from the best higher education and training institutes in Europe and the United States.

Careers in Africa: Aims to bring together internationally based African graduates and professionals who are seeking careers back in Africa with leading multinational companies. Gateway to International Development jobs & consultancies. Employment Opportunities in Australia, Canada, UK, Ireland, and New Zealand. The Careers Database features thousands of Graduate Opportunities across Europe. You can search by any combination of industry, type of occupation, degree/diploma qualification or country of employment.

Expertise in Labor Mobility: Practical cultural management and job hunting information on more than 40 countries are your ultimate help to ensure a successful start of an international career.

Hall Kinion International: Provides services for international (Asia/Pacific) professionals, managers and individual contributors for the semiconductor, software and communications industries. Ireland's leading recruitment web site. A full service provider covering the needs of small, local companies as well as major international corporations' recruiting demands. Our presence in many European countries means we understand the particularities of local markets as well as recruitment on a global scale. IT vacancies in the United Kingdom, and Europe, Asian and Australia. Global Gateway: Opportunities in Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, Singapore, UK, Africa, Asia Pacific, Caribbean, Central America, Europe, Middle East, and South America.

Placement India: A free placement site for job seekers where they can place their resumes and search for job vacancies that suit their requirements the best. They have the facility of updating, deleting and de-activating their resumes online. This site holds a candidate database of over 450,000 live CV's, making it one of the most extensive online job resources in the UK. PlanetRecruit is the largest provider of jobs to Yahoo! UK job classifieds and is partnered with MSN and Hotmail. The site has twice been listed for "IT Recruitment Service of the Year" at the Computing Awards for Excellence.

Recruit International Career Information: Provides English/Asian bi-lingual job seekers with information regarding international careers and prospective employers in Asia-Pacific nations.

Last Updated August 16, 2004
Office of Career Services
Boston University


Virgnia guide for international job hunting

International Students and the Job Search INTRODUCTIONThis guide is designed to assist you, the international student, with the job search process. For the purpose of this guide, an international student is defined as a non-immigrant F-1 or J-1 visa holder. However, permanent residents or those with newly acquired American citizenship may find some of the information included to be both applicable and useful. Whether you are looking for employment in your home country or in the United States, the information in this guide can be of assistance as you begin your employment search. HOME COUNTRY EMPLOYMENTLooking for a position in your home country, the United States or another country while working hard to finish a degree in the U.S. can be rather overwhelming. The best way to approach this dilemma is to start organizing and utilizing your resources as soon as possible, long before you are cramming to finish that last semester. Your job search strategy should include: • Exploring Resources • Gaining Work Experience • Networking Your Way to a Job • Preparing Country-Specific Resumes and Cover Letters • Preparing for Reintegration into Your Home Culture Exploring Resources University Career Services is a great place to start your research. The UCS library has a large number of print and electronic resources, which relate to finding a job in the global marketplace. Some of the material is designed for American students who are searching for employment abroad; however, much of the information is just as relevant for an international student seeking employment abroad (see the resource list at the end of this guide for specific titles). UCS also subscribes to International Employment Weekly, please email Elly Tucker at to receive this listing of opportunities abroad. The International Studies Office (208 Minor Hall, 982-3010) can provide information on a variety of organizations that assist international students in seeking employment outside the U.S. Stop by the ISO periodically to see if new information is available. The International Center (21 University Circle, 924-7983) has an ever-growing multi-cultural library. This may be of particular use to you if you are targeting international employment. Gaining Work Experience Gaining work experience in the U.S., in addition to your degree, may be very attractive to employers at home. Internships during the summer are a great way to build skills and
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2augment your classroom experience. Ideally, an internship should be related to your declared major or your principal field of study. UCS has extensive resources for researching internship opportunities in the U.S. for both graduate and undergraduate students. Internship opportunities vary tremendously depending on your area of interest and may be paid or unpaid. For more information on obtaining an internship, see UCS's guide to Internships, Externships, Summer Jobs and Other Ways of Gaining Experience. You might also consider arranging an internship in your home country during the summer. Use the numerous international resources and directories available in UCS to identify a company with a subsidiary in your home country. The International Division at company headquarters can identify the Regional Manager of the subsidiary who in turn can provide you with information on summer work opportunities or internships. The Directory of Overseas Summer Jobs and the International Directory of Voluntary Work list information on 50,000 opportunities worldwide. Externships are available to undergraduate students in their second, third or fourth years as well as graduate students at any level. Through the Extern Program, students spend one week (vacation periods in January, March and summer) with an employer anywhere in the U.S. to get an inside view of the organization or career field. Extern students are not paid by the employer and must supply their own housing, food and transportation. The Extern Program is an excellent way to gain insight and experience and to make contacts for a summer practical training opportunity. More information on the Extern Program is available on the UCS website, Faculty may be in a position to provide work opportunities during the academic year and summer months through grants or their departmental budgets. Check with your faculty advisor to see if there are any opportunities in your department. NOTE: In exploring any of the opportunities mentioned above, always check with the International Student Advisor located in 208 Minor Hall to confirm your eligibility for off-Grounds work authorization. Even if you were contemplating summer work overseas, it would be to your benefit to check with the International Student Advisor regarding your visa status for re-entry into the United States to continue your academic program. Networking Your Way To A Job In seeking advice from any career counselor in the United States, you will undoubtedly be advised about the benefits of interviewing for information and networking as a means to finding a suitable job. Indeed, it is common to find employment as a result of having the right connections. The ability to make connections or network is a skill you can begin developing while on Grounds (refer to UCS's guide on Networking Your Way To A Job for a more in-depth discussion of the process). Begin networking with faculty members and students. Many faculty members have worked or studied abroad and maintain professional contacts with colleagues overseas. In addition, UVA's International Center (21 University Circle) maintains a list of international students studying at UVA. Start with this list but don't be limited by it. Each year UVA hosts 200-300 visiting faculty from abroad who arrive with current information and contacts in their home countries.
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3UVA alumni living overseas can be valuable resources for information on employment opportunities. Ask a UCS staff member about accessing the University Career Assistance Network (UCAN), a database of 21,000+ UVA Alumni. While you should not contact alumni to "ask for a job," it is certainly appropriate to ask for information, advice and/or referrals. The UVA Alumni Association has developed several alumni chapters overseas and may be contacted for more details (971-9721). Many professional associations have an international membership. Visit the websites of these organizations to request information on their publications, student rates, and overseas chapters. These links may lead you to knowledgeable people and, possibly, job opportunities. While in the United States, don't forget to write home. Not only will your family and friends be happy to hear from you but also you can ask for information on the job market. Family, friends, and former employers can all provide you with information and job leads while you are busy studying in the United States. In addition, these contacts may also be in a position to serve as references. References from the U.S., unless internationally known in their field, will not lend as much weight to your application as a well-known figure in your home country. Preparing Country-Specific Resumes and Cover Letters A well-written resume and cover letter is critical in any job search. However, when searching for a job in your home country, your resume must conform to the local standards and not reflect U.S. styles and standards in resume writing. Just as American students come to UCS for help in writing an appropriate American-style resume, you may need some advice in designing a resume appropriate for use in your home country or appropriate for use in another country. Dr. Frank Klein of the University Placement Center at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale offers the following advice: "For job searches in the U.S., the resume is most often chronological, functional, or a combination of the two. However, with regard to resume format requirements, differences exist from continent to continent, country to country. Working in the European Countries: A Guide to Graduate Recruiters and Job Seekers by A.J. Raban of the University of Cambridge Career Services, makes an excellent case for a country-specific resume. In Denmark, according to Raban, extracurricular activities are defined as work experience rather than student activities and, consequently given much attention by the employer. In Germany, where extracurricular activities are defined as student activities, they receive little attention. If a single resume category, extracurricular activities, is important in Denmark, unimportant in Germany, is secondary to academic performance in Italy, and is given special attention by employers in the United Kingdom, enough cannot be said on the importance of country-specific resumes." Resumes targeted for African and Latin American countries require more personal data than is appropriate in a U.S.-style resume. Birthdate, birthplace, citizenship, passport number and even a photograph may be appropriate. Students from Asian countries should emphasize entrepreneurship. Often employers from these countries are more interested in
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4the applicant's sales ability than in the specific undergraduate or graduate degree. If applying for a job in Europe, you should hand-write your cover letter. Graphologists are regularly used in Europe to screen applicants, and handwriting samples are often required. In many countries, transcripts, with an official university stamp or seal, or even actual photocopies of degrees, are required with the resume. Additionally, a photocopy of your degree may be required if you are applying to a university position. In addition to the resource mentioned above, two additional publications, Resumes for Employment in the U.S. and Overseas and The Global Resume and CV Guide (available in the UCS library), outline recommendations for country-specific resumes and cover letters. Use your faculty contacts (especially the visiting faculty) to make sure that you are constructing an appropriate resume. Send a draft of your resume home in correspondence with family and friends. Ask them to critique your resume or find someone in your career field at home who has the knowledge and background to evaluate your resume style and content. Preparing For Reintegration To Your Home Culture Studying abroad can be a life-altering experience both in a personal and professional sense. Just as you prepared yourself mentally and emotionally to leave home and travel to the United States to pursue a degree, you must also spend some time preparing yourself for the return home. You may have anticipated experiencing "culture shock" in the United States, but have you thought about the possibility of "reverse culture shock"? Reverse culture shock or re-entry shock upon return to the home culture can be every bit as difficult as the culture shock experienced when first challenged by life in the United States. Understanding that re-entry can be a difficult process is the first step toward readjustment as it reduces the tendency to set unrealistic expectations for yourself, your family, friends and co-workers. Professional Integration: A Guide for Students from the Developing World (available in the UCS library) addresses the issue of re-entry from the aspect of professional and career concerns. For successful professional reintegration, the authors suggest that the student: • Bear in mind that he/she will return home at some point, and consciously plan for that return • Maintain contact, while in the United States, with peers and professional colleagues • Maintain contact with the U.S. institution from which he/she graduated • Be persistent in maintaining that contact • Seek out and establish contact with professional peers in the home country • Seek ways of continuing in his/her professional growth • After returning home, fulfill the obligation of being a resource for others who may go abroad to study. EMPLOYMENT IN THE U.S.Rather than returning home directly after graduation, some students are interested in exploring work opportunities in the United States. Conducting a job search for employment in the U.S. requires a great deal of persistence. It is important for you to understand under
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5what circumstances you may apply for work authorization on your student visa. Consult the ISA if you are unclear. The more you know, the easier it will be for you to persuade a prospective employer to hire you for a period of practical training. In addition, unfamiliarity and discomfort with the American job search process may put an international student at a disadvantage when competing for a job. The following information is intended to help you understand and, thereby, overcome some of the obstacles associated with seeking employment in the United States. INS Regulations The opportunity to engage in practical training is available to F-1 and most J-1 student visa holders. Practical training is an opportunity to work in the U.S. to gain experience relating to your field of study. The F-1 visa holder is eligible for 12 months of optional practical training. This may be taken following program completion, during summer vacation, and for graduate students following the conclusion of all course requirements. If a UVA credit course requires employment experience, you may be eligible to apply for curricular practical training. J-1 visa holders may be eligible for up to eighteen months of practical training after program completion. For the F-1 student, practical training is authorized by the Immigration Service through the International Student Advisor. You are required to complete an application according to INS procedures, after which, the ISA may endorse practical training. Visit the International Student Affairs Office to obtain the necessary application and more detailed information regarding practical training. The J-1 visa holder is authorized for practical training by the Immigration Service through the sponsoring agency. In some cases, the sponsoring agency is UVA. In other cases, the sponsor is the Institute of International Education (IIE), the Organization of American States (OAS), the United States Agency for International Development (US-AID) or any one of a number of other organizations involved in international educational exchange. Your sponsor is the organization, which issued your IAP-66, not necessarily the organization supplying your funding (although in many cases they are one and the same). If UVA is the sponsor, the International Student Advisor can assist you in obtaining the necessary authorization for practical training. If you are sponsored by another organization, you must contact that sponsor in order to acquire practical training or summer work permission. Some sponsors choose not to grant such permission or do so only under special circumstances. Always contact your sponsor before you begin your job search to determine whether or not you will be eligible for any type of work permission. Some F-1 and J-1 visa holders may be eligible to change their status in the U.S. and acquire an H-1B visa. An H-1B visa is a non-immigrant temporary working visa, which allows the holder to work in the U.S. for a period of up to six years. In order to qualify for an H-1B visa, the student must first have a job offer and an employer who is willing to file the petition with INS. An H-1B visa is reserved for individuals in "specialty occupations." An attorney is usually hired, either by the student or the employer, in order to file for an H-1B visa. The International Student Advisor cannot help you with this application process. J-1 visa holders who are subject to the two year home country residency requirement are not eligible to change their status to H-1B without first receiving a waiver of the requirement.
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6Permanent residents (green card holders) are eligible to work in the United States without restriction. To apply for permanent residence, an individual must either have a close family member (spouse, parent or sibling) who is a citizen or permanent resident, or receive a job offer whereby the employer proves to the Department of Labor that there were no American citizens who qualified for the job. The application process for permanent residence is time-consuming and complicated. J-1 visa holders with a two year home country residency requirement are not eligible to apply for permanent residence without having first received a waiver of the requirement. If you believe you are eligible to apply for permanent residence, contact an immigration attorney for a consultation. U.S. Employment System The first step in designing an effective job search strategy which will lead to employment in the United States is to clearly understand the setting in which you are operating. As a student, you may not have had much experience job-hunting in your home country. Even if you have, you are likely to find job-hunting in the U.S. a different process. The differences are culturally based and, therefore, you may have to work very hard at overcoming the natural inclination to conduct yourself as you would if you were looking for a job in your home country. Different cultures have different sensibilities. Be aware of the setting in which you are interviewing. For example, an attribute such as assertiveness, valued in one setting, may not be revered in another. UCS has several books in the library to introduce you to the American job search process. Take time to read some of this material before you begin your search. The following titles would be a good place to start: Berkeley Guide to Employment for New College Graduates The Complete Job Search Handbook The Harvard Guide to Careers Hot Tips, Sneaky Tricks, & Last Ditch Tactics The components of your U.S. job search will be much the same as those mentioned in the previous section of this guide. They are: • Exploring Resources • Networking Your Way to a Job • Preparing Resumes and Cover Letters • Preparing for an Interview • Following Up With Employers Exploring Resources The UCS library is designed to provide students with information on each stage of the job search process (including job vacancy listings). If you are seeking employment in the United States, you should use the library just as any American student would. Orientation tours of the library are offered on a weekly basis during fall and spring semesters. Consult UCS's monthly web calendar of events at
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7Career counselors in UCS can assist you in clarifying your career goals and provide tips on the American job search process. The counselors are available to students by appointment. After you have read some of the material in the library, see a counselor to further explore ideas and strategies. As you begin a job search, always consult with the International Student Advisor to make sure that you understand the parameters of your visa status. Not only is this essential information for you to have as you determine your goals for employment, but you will have to clearly and accurately explain your status to most employers during the interview process. Interviewing for Information and Networking As discussed in the section on Home Country Employment, interviewing for information and networking is always an essential element in the job search. Most of the resource people mentioned (faculty, alumni, professional colleagues) in the previous section will be helpful in exploring options for employment in the United States. Be as creative as possible in developing your network. Do you have a community host who can provide you with information or a referral? Do you know of another international student who has been successful in finding a practical training experience? Did one of your American classmates mention having an interesting summer job? Many international students are discouraged because they believe that they have no network in the United States, as their connections are with people in their home countries. It is important to understand that in the U.S. a network is actively developed and does not connote long-standing, life-long relationships based on family ties or status in the community. Anyone can develop a network with some knowledge of the process. The books recommended above which describe the job search process also include sections on the networking process. In addition, refer to UCS's guide to Networking Your Way To A Job. Preparing Resumes and Cover Letters A well-prepared cover letter and resume is essential to getting a job interview. For a U.S. job search, your resume and cover letter must conform to basic, generally accepted standards. The U.S. resume is succinct, including only information which is relevant to an employer's needs rather than including personal information or information regarding unrelated work and/or educational experiences. The resume is also limited to one page in most cases. The UCS library has several resources, which can help you as you begin designing a resume and cover letters. See the UCS guides on Writing Resumes and Cover Letters and Other Correspondence. The library also maintains a collection of books on the subject as well as sample resumes and cover letters (see resource list at the end of this guide). After you have developed a resume, bring it to UCS to have a career counselor review it with you. You should also have your cover letters reviewed by a counselor to ensure that the writing style as well as the content conforms to employers' expectations Preparing for an Interview
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8The interview is your opportunity to convince the employer that you are the right person for the job. In most instances, an employer is expecting you to articulate your future career goals and past accomplishments. The interviewer is assessing you according to values such as self-confidence, initiative, directness, and individualism. You must learn to become comfortable with the idea of marketing yourself to an employer. Non-verbal behavior may also be a barrier to successful communication with an interviewer. Eye contact, physical distance, personal appearance and manner of dress all communicate things about you to an interviewer. It is important that you understand exactly what you are communicating. Understanding and mastering appropriate verbal and non-verbal communication before an interview is essential. UCS offers interviewing workshops (call UCS to schedule) and videotapes of live interviews are available in the UCS Resource Center. Once you are feeling more comfortable with the process, schedule a mock interview for yourself with a counselor (it can be videotaped if you wish). The counselor will make suggestions for improving your technique. Remember, the more practice you have, the more relaxed you will be when the time comes for an employment interview. Preparation for an interview always includes doing research about the employer. The interviewer will expect you to have questions about the job or the organization. It is helpful to have some questions prepared in advance. Check the UCS library for other resources in preparing for the interview process: • UCS's handout on Interviewing for Employment • Ask the Headhunter • Knock 'Em Dead • Sweaty Palms: The Neglected Art of Being Interviewed • Interview for Success • National Business Employment Weekly: Interviewing Following Up With Employers After having an interview, it is always appropriate to follow-up with a thank-you note. In this follow-up correspondence, you can reiterate your interest in the position and emphasize the skills and abilities you would be bringing to the employer. This type of correspondence is not considered being pushy. In fact, if an employer does not hear from you after an interview, the assumption may be that you are not interested in the job. See UCS's guide to Cover Letters and Other Correspondence for an example of a thank-you letter. CONCLUSIONFinding employment, whether in your home country or the United States, can be a long, time-consuming process. The information contained in this guide is meant to get you started in the process. It is important that you begin early to prepare yourself for competing in the job market after graduation. Make use of the many resources mentioned throughout this guide. If you are having difficulty understanding any part of the job search process, make an appointment to speak with an UCS
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9counselor, your faculty advisor, the International Student Advisor, or all three. Don't give up - the information is available if you just look in the right place.
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10RESOURCE LIST FOR HOME COUNTRY EMPLOYMENT (available in UCS's library) 101 Ways to Find an Overseas JobGreat review of overseas jobs information sources Almanac of International Jobs and Careers Provides contact information on 1000 international employers American Jobs AbroadProfiles U.S. employers and their divisions throughout the world Careers in International AffairsLists key names, addresses, telephone numbers, and annotated descriptions for over 400 organizations in the public and private sector Educators' Passport to International Jobs: How to Find and Enjoy Employment AbroadA practical and detailed guide to overseas employment for educators that includes information sources The Global Resume and CV Guide How to do Business in Sixty Countries: Kiss, Bow or Shake Hands International Career OpportunitiesA bi-weekly list of current job openings, many of which are abroad International Jobs: Where They Are and How to Get ThemA one-stop source book for finding work overseas or in the U.S. with an international company, the updated edition includes over 100 new listings, an extensive bibliography and index Professional Integration: A Guide for Students from the Developing WorldAddresses the issue of finding a job, maintaining contacts in the U.S, and coping with the adjustment process upon returning home Resumes for Employment in the U.S. and OverseasOutlines for resumes and cover letters including requirements for work permits and languages spoken in 20 countries Returning to Hong KongA guide to employment in Hong Kong Virginia Firms with Foreign Affiliation Work Abroad Gives information on International Careers, short-term jobs and internships, teaching English abroad, teaching abroad (K-12 and university) and offers URL’s Working in the European Communities: A Guide for Graduate Recruiters and Job-SeekersProvides information on country-specific resumes
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11RESOURCES FOR U.S. EMPLOYMENT The UCS library has over 5,000 print and electronic resources, many of which you will find helpful in conducting your job search. In addition, UCS has developed a series of career guides on a variety of topics (interviewing, writing a resume, writing cover letters and other correspondence, etc). Make it a point to familiarize yourself with these resources as soon as possible. The following abbreviated list of the types of books you will find in the Library may also help you get started: Ace the Technical InterviewAdvice on winning a job in the computer industry America's Fastest Growing EmployersComplete guide to finding jobs with over 700 United States growth companies The Berkeley Guide to Employment for New College GraduatesDevelop a coherent method for evaluating fully what your goals are and how to present your experience, your skills, and your education to find the job you want using this guide CareerXRoads How to conduct a job search using the many career related websites available The Complete Job-Search HandbookWritten for all levels of job responsibility and all stages of career development Does Your Resume Wear Blue Jeans?Advice on preparing a professional resume Electronic Resume RevolutionInstruction on building a resume in the age of technology Hoover's HandbookA guide to the 500 largest, most profitable employers in the United States International Corporate Yellow Book A directory for identifying the executives who manage the world's leading corporations Job Opportunities in Engineering & TechnologyComprehensive career and employment resource for technical graduates Knock 'Em DeadGives examples of interview questions and makes suggestions for good answers to tough questions Private Independent SchoolsListing of private/independent schools in the U.S. for those contemplating teaching careers Sweaty Palms: The Neglected Art of Being InterviewedProvides advice for mastering the interview process
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12Web Resources (Referenced directly from the University of Southern California’s Career Development Center’s website) Employment Opportunities in Australia, Canada, UK, Ireland, and New Zealand. positions in Canada, Europe, Australia, Hong Kong and India. as the world's largest Japanese-English job fair, Career Forum is the official site for Japanese-English bilinguals who are seeking employment. Career College has the latest information regarding job market trends, job search tips and on-line seminars to assist you in launching your career. http://www.latpro.comLeading source for Spanish-Portuguese-speaking professionals throughout the Americas. http://www.rici.comAsian Career Web provides English/Asian bi-lingual job seekers with information regarding international careers and prospective employers in Asia-Pacific nations. http://www.cyberkingemployment.comPosts jobs and resumes in 54 languages and in over 130 countries. is for bi-lingual professionals with Japanese, Chinese or Korean language proficiency. domestic students) Through Council Exchanges' international opportunities you can work, study, teach or volunteer abroad. Choose the country where you live to find out more about the world of opportunity available to you. is a placement site where job seekers and employers can enter their resumes and vacancies respectively. to PlanetRecruit - the UK's largest agency-only job site. You can use our site to search for jobs, upload your CV or register for job mail outs. features international job opportunities for professionals, expatriates and adventure seekers. http://www.jobpilot.comEurope's career market on the internet. is an information site for Japanese-English bilinguals seeking opportunities in Japan and beyond.
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13 offers opportunities in the Czech Republic. http://www.jobserve.comJobserve: The Largest Source of IT vacancies in the United Kingdom, and Europe, Asian and Australia. career opportunities at Microsoft JOBNET lists professional jobs in the United Kingdom. http://www.tkointl.comHall Kinion International Asia Pacific, an on-line guide to International Careers in Japan, U.S. and Asia-Pacific. Mail and Guardian provide on-line professional job opportunities from the Electronic Mail and Guardian in South Africa.


job hunting videoconference today

Tips given by Asher, Donald
who suggested international students finding the hidden job market. Avoid 1. online jobs unless you have two distinctive edges 2. head-to head competition with domestic applicants

Find the hidden job market:
Biligual jobs, company operating in both US and your country, companys in small towns, small companys, startups, universities, your consulates, networking with your senior alumini from the same country.....

Websites that he suggested
GOOGLE you own resources keyword: h1 jobs, jobs for international students...

Directory of American firms operating in foreign countries.
Publish info New York : Uniworld Business Publications, Inc., c2003.
Edition 17th ed.

Directory of American firms operating in foreign countries
Publish info New York : Uniworld Business Publications, Inc., c1999
Edition 15th ed

The Directory of jobs and careers abroad / [edited by] Dan Boothby
Publish info Oxford : Vacation Work, 2002
Edition 11th ed

Search on SUBJECT: Corporations, American -- Directories

301 great ideas for selling smarter : from America's most innovative small companies
including Directory of Companies and Sources

Great Jobs for Foreign Language Majors (the same ref for internationals)
Great Jobs for Accounting Majors
Great Jobs for Engineering Majors

Research means business : a directory of companies built on NSERC-supported university research
Publish info Ottawa, Ont. : Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, c2002


Tuesday, September 28, 2004

my angel

On August 7, our angel arrived at our family. She weighed 7 pounds 7 ounces, and she was19.5 inch long. Her name is Chloe. Since then, she has kept us busy. About every 3 hours, she squeezes and sucks milk out from her mom breasts, well, sometimes, from a bottle because she bits! Then she spits a little bit of milk out, plays a little bit and falls asleep. Occasionally she urges me to spend a night wandering around with her in our apartment. I guess she has learned the beauty of night. As you know, angels usually do their No.1 No 2 every a few hours. We are OK with that, but after a few days since her birth, our angel has showed us that she is not only capable to do No 1, or 2, but also able to do No. 3, passing gas! frequently! I bet she must have known that we wouldn't say: Angel stinks!? We end up washing her everyday right after she go No1 in a 38ºC water bath. Maybe we should stop calling her angel for a while due to all these hassles.
Good news is that she’s eating well and keeps gaining weight, some clothes and hats that our parents bought are already small for her, and the gladdest of all, she can put a smile on her face now, a Mona Lisa kind of. Her 2-month check-up will be in this week. I can’t wait to see the results. Now you can figure out what I am doing. Both papers with my former boss and current boss got delayed. Let them go to hell for a moment.
Written on Moon Festival, 2004
