Trying to get rid of surfing, wasted too much time, any suggestion?.......................... 七宗罪?............................... 1,没有原则的政治;2,不劳而获的财富;3,没有理智的享乐;4,没有特点的知识;5,没有道德的商业;6,没有人文关怀的科学;7,没有牺牲的崇拜。............................................. 虽然这是圣雄甘地说老印的.......

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

my angel

On August 7, our angel arrived at our family. She weighed 7 pounds 7 ounces, and she was19.5 inch long. Her name is Chloe. Since then, she has kept us busy. About every 3 hours, she squeezes and sucks milk out from her mom breasts, well, sometimes, from a bottle because she bits! Then she spits a little bit of milk out, plays a little bit and falls asleep. Occasionally she urges me to spend a night wandering around with her in our apartment. I guess she has learned the beauty of night. As you know, angels usually do their No.1 No 2 every a few hours. We are OK with that, but after a few days since her birth, our angel has showed us that she is not only capable to do No 1, or 2, but also able to do No. 3, passing gas! frequently! I bet she must have known that we wouldn't say: Angel stinks!? We end up washing her everyday right after she go No1 in a 38ºC water bath. Maybe we should stop calling her angel for a while due to all these hassles.
Good news is that she’s eating well and keeps gaining weight, some clothes and hats that our parents bought are already small for her, and the gladdest of all, she can put a smile on her face now, a Mona Lisa kind of. Her 2-month check-up will be in this week. I can’t wait to see the results. Now you can figure out what I am doing. Both papers with my former boss and current boss got delayed. Let them go to hell for a moment.
Written on Moon Festival, 2004


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