郎咸平:宗教,礼教,法制 一无所有!
This is a very interesting topic. What immediately comes to my mind is Taiwan! strange enough?
Actually Lang is from Taiwan, and Taiwan experienced the smiliar development of economy years ago. What was the situation back then for Taiwan? I may want to know the history of Korea, Japan, Hongkong too.
Apparently Taiwan's got some confucianism, Japan's got some religion, HongKong's got some laws. Lang refused discussing the loss of confucianism and religion in mainland China due to the reason that "they are sensitive issues". The only thing Lang has hoped on is the law constructions and enforcements. He hopes that by constructing a lawful business system, China will get rid of the problems in trust responsiblity issues of its daily business routine, and eventually open a door for the transfer of the national wealth of SOEs to the private--Chinese people, reasonablly and lawfully.
However the question is:
Religion, Belief(confucianism) and Law. Are they standing alone without connections to each other? Can law be built without the foundation of religions and beliefs?
Is HongKong an example?
We all know that Law can only be designed by people, enforced by people, abided by people. Without the balance of the powers or beliefs in good, Whether the law is just a matter of decoration or a working mechanism itself is worth more discussing.
More questions include:
Does China need a religion or multiple religions? If so, which one (ones) and to what extent? Hasn't I blamed Bush for his conducts purly based on the religious motives?
Should China reinsall confucianism? If so, how and to what extent? Isn's confucianism the ultimate reason that let us being shamefully defeated in the Opium War?
Much bigger question is:
Is the complete destroy of the tradition good or bad? Any sucessful example worldwide?
我们对受托没有什么太大的概念,我们是怎么成长起来的都不知道,与其说是我们改革开放的成功,不如说是工业革命的成功。有一句话,你认为这个社会是不是出了问题?这是非常敏感的话题,我在思考要不要回答你的问题。为什么这个社会没有信托责任?我们大家做个更深层次的思考,我们只能接受历史所遗留给我们的这一切,我们无法改变它。我何尝不希望这个国家一开始就是像美国一样,是一个有信托责任的民族,是很好的民营企业家,很规范的企业,不是什么事都没有了吗?但是给我们这一摊的是一个以国有企业为主的摊子,今天资产转移如果不公平的话会引起社会动荡,问题非常严重。各位思考一下,为什么这个社会没有信托责任?这是我们历史的遗留。如果今天是一般的听众,我不想讲这个题目,由于今天各位都是成功的企业家,我想做个总结。 第一个我姑且不谈你个人对宗教是个什么概念,因为每个人都会有自己的理想。可是中国四千年以来,到了我们这一代,我们不敬鬼神,我们从来没有想到做事情有因果报应。第二,我们没有礼教的束缚,以前我们礼教维持者是谁?修桥、铺路、教堂、学校、庙宇是谁建的?我们这个社会如果缺乏这个的话,你发现农村是没有礼教的。第三,我们是一个法制化的国家,我们的法制化进程才刚开始,基本上我们的法制化建设是不完善的。 中国四千年来,大概到了我们这一代人是前所未有的,不敬鬼神,做坏事没有想过因果报应。第二,没有礼教束缚,第三,没有法制化建设。我们这个让由于历史文化的传承,形成这么一种没有信托责任的特性。今天提出个方案,我是希望政府通过法制化的建设,让我们这一代不敢没有信托责任,我们下一代的血里面才会流着信托责任的血,而这个有信托责任的人是由法制化的国家所保护的人,这才是我们的信托理念。