Trying to get rid of surfing, wasted too much time, any suggestion?.......................... 七宗罪?............................... 1,没有原则的政治;2,不劳而获的财富;3,没有理智的享乐;4,没有特点的知识;5,没有道德的商业;6,没有人文关怀的科学;7,没有牺牲的崇拜。............................................. 虽然这是圣雄甘地说老印的.......

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Continue exposing the indecency of SINA: the biggest internet news portal in China, and call for the Chinese version of FCC.

Imagine everyday millions of underage kids surf internet and encounter the following words constantly on this relatively "safe" website.

Quotes and translations from the left commercial column of Sina

Tonight she reaches her orgasm several times.
Make breasts bigger
The miracle of the 120% bigger male root (refer to penis)

Super Bowl XXXVIII half time show is just nothing!


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