Trying to get rid of surfing, wasted too much time, any suggestion?.......................... 七宗罪?............................... 1,没有原则的政治;2,不劳而获的财富;3,没有理智的享乐;4,没有特点的知识;5,没有道德的商业;6,没有人文关怀的科学;7,没有牺牲的崇拜。............................................. 虽然这是圣雄甘地说老印的.......

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

This is to confirm that this blogspot cite has gotten some visitors from mainland China

Just checked my vistor's information and suprised to know many visitors from singapore clicked one of my links looking for a porn story(video?). I am not sure what porn story is hot in singapore now, but from the keywords, I guess it's a kind of teacher-student thing going on.
The newest visitor from mainland China is a inner mangolian customer of (网通). Since Danwei found blogspot cites were available for Chinanetcom customers, many days have passed. Looks like the lift of the ban is not just a technical mistake as I believed before when I read Danwei's message. However, one of best public forum in China,, remains closed 2 weeks after the national holiday, which is highly unusual, although I get used to receiving mixed signals from our beloved CCP.


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