Trying to get rid of surfing, wasted too much time, any suggestion?.......................... 七宗罪?............................... 1,没有原则的政治;2,不劳而获的财富;3,没有理智的享乐;4,没有特点的知识;5,没有道德的商业;6,没有人文关怀的科学;7,没有牺牲的崇拜。............................................. 虽然这是圣雄甘地说老印的.......

Friday, October 07, 2005

Pekingduck has a new discussion about "ugly chinese students"!

Let me record the main points and think about these to remind myself...
1. lack of practical skills or hand-on experience in the real world.
2. poor english
3. lazy or lack of dedication
4. career path: money oriented instead of own interest or talent oriented
5. too much boat jumping
6. lack of creative thinking, outside the box thinking, independent thinking
7. lack of problem solving skills
8. lack of teamwork
9. not willing to take responsibility
10. selfish
11. always seeking to manage other people instead of being managed.
Actually I don't think it's difficult to remind myself not to be stuck with the most of these points. However how I can make myself more creative in thinking is a tough question.


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